X56 discRTN-4.12.26.F clipped w caption

Airloy® X56 Strong Transparent Aerogel Discs


Airloy® X50 series materials from Aerogel Technologies are mechanically robust aerogels that offer the look and transparency of classic aerogel without the fragility. Airloy X56 is semi-transparent and superinsulating without the fragility of classic silica aerogels. Around five times lighter than plastics. Use for applications such as fenestration, process visualization, and lightweight structures. Dust-free. Easy to machine and adhere. Thermal conductivity between classic silica aerogels and Styrofoam®. Maximum operating temperature is ~80°C. Size is approximately 2″ diameter x 0.2″ thick (5 cm x 0.5 cm).

Download the Material SDS here.

For operating temperatures up to 300°C, choose Airloy X114 or Airloy X116 instead.

Airloys are sold by density. Properties such as strength and stiffness increase with increasing density, while thermal conductivity decreases with decreasing density. Airloy X56 properties scale with density approximately as follows:

Density Class Density Compressive Yield Strengtha Compressive Modulusa Ultimate Strengtha Thermal Conductivitya Transparancy Rating (0-9)b
MH 0.3 ± 0.05 g/cc 0.65 MPa 20 MPa 170 MPa 23 mW/m-K 7

aApproximate values. For reference only.
bTransparency graded on 0-9 scale, 9 being most transparent. Number is determined using black text on gray background with background color value increasing linearly from 0-255 (see image above).

Densities currently available for online purchase are shown in the section above. Additional densities and sizes coming soon and available by request.

Quantity discounts available:

1-2 3-9 10-19 20-25 26+
$120 $114 $108 $102 $96

Please click on the letter below with the corresponding density class in order to add to cart.


Product Description

Airloy® X50 series materials from Aerogel Technologies are mechanically robust aerogels that offer the look and transparency of classic aerogel without the fragility. Airloy X56 is semi-transparent and superinsulating without the fragility of classic silica aerogels. Around five times lighter than plastics. Use for applications such as fenestration, process visualization, and lightweight structures. Dust-free. Easy to machine and adhere. Thermal conductivity between classic silica aerogels and Styrofoam®. Maximum operating temperature is ~80°C. Size is approximately 2″ diameter x 0.2″ thick (5 cm x 0.5 cm).

Download the Material SDS here.

For operating temperatures up to 300°C, choose Airloy X114 or Airloy X116 instead.

Airloys are sold by density. Properties such as strength and stiffness increase with increasing density, while thermal conductivity decreases with decreasing density. Airloy X56 properties scale with density approximately as follows:

Density Class Density Compressive Yield Strengtha Compressive Modulusa Ultimate Strengtha Thermal Conductivitya Transparancy Rating (0-9)b
MH 0.3 ± 0.05 g/cc 0.65 MPa 20 MPa 170 MPa 23 mW/m-K 7

aApproximate values. For reference only.
bTransparency graded on 0-9 scale, 9 being most transparent. Number is determined using black text on gray background with background color value increasing linearly from 0-255 (see image above).

Densities currently available for online purchase are shown in the section above. Additional densities and sizes coming soon and available by request.

Quantity discounts available:

1-2 3-9 10-19 20-25 26+
$90 $85.50 $81 $76.50 $72

Please see our patent and trademark information page for information for patents protecting this product.

Additional Information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 3 x 4 in


2 in x 0.2 in (5 cm x 0.5 cm)

Download the Airloy® X56 SDS